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  • Journal Club
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  • Jan 18, 2020
  • 468

A distributional code for value in dopamine-based reinforcement learning





Cerebellar Neurodynamics Predict Decision Timing and Outcome on the Single-Trial Level





Nature Neuroscience
The neural basis of predictive pursuit



Entorhinal velocity signals reflect environmental geometry


Temporally restricted dopaminergic control of reward-conditioned movements


Amygdala Reward Neurons Form and Store Fear Extinction Memory





Nature communications
Word contexts enhance the neural representation of individual letters in early visual cortex



Neural circuits underlying auditory contrast gain control and their perceptual implications


Electrophysiological dynamics of antagonistic brain networks reflect attentional fluctuations


An efficient analytical reduction of detailed nonlinear neuron models




Journal of neuroscience
Unique spatial integration in mouse primary visual cortex and higher visual areas



Spatial arrangement drastically changes the neural representation of multiple visual stimuli that compete in more than one feature domain


Long-term Monocular Deprivation during Juvenile Critical Period Disrupts Binocular Integration in Mouse Visual Thalamus


Top-Down Feedback Controls the Cortical Representation of Illusory Contours in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex



PLoS computational biology
Computational optimization of associative learning experiments




Trends in neuroscience
Diverse Mechanisms of Sound Frequency Discrimination in the Vertebrate Cochlea


제목 날짜
[Awards] Youngjin Park (M.S. Candidate) got the best poster presentation award in KPS 2017   2019.06.28
[Awards] Youngjin Park (M.S.) got the best poster presentation award in KSBNS 2018   2019.06.28
[Awards] Youngjin Park (Ph.D Candidate) got the travel award in Cosyne 2020   2020.01.29
[News] Dr. Choi received Sejong Science Fellowship   2021.03.16
[News] Dr. Kim has been selected as Simons Postdoctoral Fellow   2024.12.16
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Prof. Se-Bum Paik   2021.09.01
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Youngjin Park (Ph.D candidate)   2021.09.01
[News] KAIST Breakthroughs 50 : Emergence of number sense in untrained neural networks   2021.09.02
[News] Prof. Se-Bum Paik selected as KAIST Singularity Professor   2021.03.16
[News] Suhee Cho has received the Talent Medal of Korea (대한민국인재상)   2024.12.24
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (23.07.18~23.08.02)   2023.07.17
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.06.07~24.06.21)   2024.06.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.08.05~24.08.19)   2024.08.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.29
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and full-time researcher from VSNN lab in KAIST (23.01.12~23.01.25)   2023.01.11
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2021.04.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST (21.05.11~21.05.26)   2021.05.10
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.07.06
[Positions] Vacancy announcement for post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.09
[Publication] Choi WC (Post doc) published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.08.27

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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