[News] Prof. Se-Bum Paik selected as KAIST Singularity Professor
Prof. Se-Bum Paik was selected as the KAIST Singularity Professor (21.03.01~31.02.28).
The newly introduced “Singularity professor” track provides competent professors with an opportunity to immerse themselves in research without being bound by evaluation for at least 10 years.
For more information on the Singularity Professor track, please refer to the article below.
-Korean media report
KAIST의 실험 "10~20년간 논문 평가 안받는 '싱귤래리티 교수' 뽑겠다" - 중앙일보
KAIST '이수영 재단' 지원금으로 인류 난제 풀 인재 키운다 | '싱귤래리티 교수제' 도입 - 서울 경제
-English media report
Singularity Professors Represent the Future of Research at KAIST - AppliedHE News Wire