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Seungdae Baek,  Min Song (Ph.D Candidate), Jaeson Jang (Ph.D) & Gwangsu Kim (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Nature Communications. The paper is currently on the Editors' Highlights page.


Title: "Face detection in untrained deep neural networks"





- Editors' Highlights (AI and machine learning)





- 2021 Top 25 Life and Biological Sciences Articles





- KAIST News

학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀​ (Korean)

Face Detection in Untrained Deep Neural Networks​ (English)



- Korean media report

KAIST "뇌 얼굴인지 원리 발견…AI 적용 기대" - 아주경제

KAIST, 학습 없이 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀...AI 적용도 기대 - 전자신문

KAIST, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - ZDNet Korea

KAIST, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 ‘뇌 인지기능’ 원리 규명 - 메디컬투데이

외부 학습 없어도 뇌 스스로 얼굴 구분 가능하다 - 헬로디디

학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀졌다 - 뉴스1

태어나자마자 사물과 사람 구분할 수 있는 이유 밝혀냈다 - msn 뉴스

'신비한 뇌'…학습 없어도 선천적 인지 기능 수행 - 의협신문

카이스트 백세범 교수팀, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - 한국강사신문

KAIST, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - e의료정보

KAIST 백세범 교수 연구팀, 학습 없는 생물학적 원리 기반의 인공지능 개발 가능성 열었다! - 인공지능신문

KAIST, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - 베리타스알파

KAIST, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - 한국대학신문

KAIST, 학습 없이 '자발적 발생 뇌' 인지기능 원리 규명 - 세이프타임즈

KAIST, 선천적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - 충청일보

카이스트, 학습 없이 자발적으로 발생하는 뇌 인지기능 원리 밝혀 - 에너지경제



- English media report

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks - News8Plus

Face detection with untrained deep neural networks? - Jioforme

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks - TechiLive.in

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks - NewsBreak

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks? - Sciencedaily

Face Detection in Untrained Deep Neural Networks Miragenews

Face detection in untrained deep neural networks Techxplore

제목 날짜
[Publication] Song JH & Choi W (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.06.08
[Publication] Seungdae Baek, Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.12.22
[Publication] Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Cell Reports   2021.01.19
[Publication] Jinwoo Kim & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Journal of Neuroscience   2020.08.20
[Publication] Jang JS (Ph.D) published a paper in Annals of Neurology   2021.08.26
[Publication] Jaeson Jang & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.03.11
[Publication] Hyeonsu Lee, Woochul Choi & Dongil Lee published a paper in Cell Reports   2023.08.08
[Publication] Gwangsu Kim, Jaeson Jang, Seungdae Baek & Min Song published a paper in Science Advances   2021.01.05
[Publication] Choi WC (Post doc) published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.08.27
[Positions] Vacancy announcement for post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.09
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.07.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST (21.05.11~21.05.26)   2021.05.10
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2021.04.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and full-time researcher from VSNN lab in KAIST (23.01.12~23.01.25)   2023.01.11
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.29
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.08.05~24.08.19)   2024.08.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.06.07~24.06.21)   2024.06.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (23.07.18~23.08.02)   2023.07.17
[News] Prof. Se-Bum Paik selected as KAIST Singularity Professor   2021.03.16
[News] KAIST Breakthroughs 50 : Emergence of number sense in untrained neural networks   2021.09.02

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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