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Jinwoo Kim & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Journal of Neuroscience. 


Title: "Spontaneous retinal waves can generate long-range horizontal connectivity in visual cortex"





바이오및뇌공학과 김진우 학사과정, 국제 학술지 표지 논문 게재 (Korean)

Before Eyes Open, They Get Ready to See (English)


-Korean media report

22살 카이스트 학부생이 쓴 논문, 저명 학술지 표지논문으로 - 조선일보

KAIST 학부생이 쓴 논문, 저명 국제학술지 표지 논문에 선정 - 머니투데이

KAIST 학부생이 쓴 뇌신경과학 논문 '국제학술지' 표지논문 선정 화제 - 이투데이

KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제학술지 표지논문으로 실려 - 연합뉴스

KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제학술지 표지논문으로 실려 - 한국경제

KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제학술지 표지논문으로 선정 - 부산일보

KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제학술지 표지논문으로 실려 - 매일경제

뇌신경과학 국제학술지 표지 논문 장식한 KAIST 학부생 - 동아 사이언스

KAIST 김진우 학생 논문 '저널 오브 뉴로사이언스' 8월호 표지 채택 - 뉴스핌

KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제학술지 표지논문으로 실리는 '기염' - 매일경제TV

KAIST 학부생, 뇌신경분야 국제학술지 표지논문 게재 - 헤럴드경제

[대전/대덕] KAIST 학부생 논문, 국제 학술지 표지논문 선정 - YTN

카이스트 학부생 논문 국제학술지 표지 논문 - YTN사이언스

KAIST 대학생 논문, 뇌 신경과학 국제학술지 표지로 선정 - 전자신문

KAIST 학부생 ‘연구논문’, 뇌신경과학 국제 학술지에 표지로 실려 - 디지털타임스

'KAIST 학부생' 두뇌 속 시각신경망 생성원리 밝혀 - 아시아경제

KAIST 학부생 논문이 뇌신경과학 국제학술지 표지 논문 선정 - 뉴스1

KAIST 학부생 참여 논문 뇌신경과학 국제학술지 표지논문 선정 - 뉴시스

KAIST 22세 학생 논문, 저명 국제학술지 표지논문 선정 - 뉴스투데이

KAIST 학부생, ‘동물 시각’ 이론 오류 밝혀 국제저널 표지논문 선정 - 조선비즈


-English media report

Before eyes open, they get ready to see? - ScienceDaily

Before eyes open, they get ready to see? - Science Codex

Before eyes open, they get ready to see - Medical Xpress

Before Eyes Open, They Get Ready to See - Mirage News

Before eyes open, they get ready to see. - Brinkwire

제목 날짜
[Awards] Jaeson Jang (Ph.D. Candidate) and Min Song (Ph.D. Candidate) got the travel award in OCNS 2019   2020.01.29
[Awards] Jeonghwan Cheon (Undergraduate) received a CoE Leadership Award from KAIST   2023.04.07
[News] Prof. Se-Bum Paik selected as KAIST Singularity Professor   2021.03.16
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Prof. Se-Bum Paik   2021.09.01
[Awards] Min Song (Ph.D Candidate), Hyeonsu Lee (M.S. candidate) got the best poster presentation awards in cbrain 2017   2019.06.28
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Youngjin Park (Ph.D candidate)   2021.09.01
[Publication] Jang JS (Ph.D) published a paper in Annals of Neurology   2021.08.26
[Awards] Youngjin Park (Ph.D Candidate) got the travel award in Cosyne 2020   2020.01.29
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2021.04.06
[Publication] Seungdae Baek, Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.12.22
[News] Dr. Choi received Sejong Science Fellowship   2021.03.16
[Publication] Song JH & Choi W (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.06.08
[Publication] Jinwoo Kim & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Journal of Neuroscience   2020.08.20
[Publication] Jaeson Jang & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.03.11
[Awards] Gwangsu Kim (Ph.D Candidate) got the best poster presentation award in KPS 2018   2019.06.28
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.29
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.07.06
[Publication] Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Cell Reports   2021.01.19
[Positions] Vacancy announcement for post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.09
[Awards] Woochul Choi (Ph.D Candidate) got the best poster presentation awards in 2018 KSCS conference   2019.06.28

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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