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  • Journal Club
  • admin
  • May 25, 2024
  • 128



Mapping model units to visual neurons reveals population code for social behaviour






Impact of early visual experience on later usage of color cues




[Nature Communications]


Heterogeneity in strategy use during arbitration between experiential and observational learning


The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality


Revealing the mechanism and function underlying pairwise temporal coupling in collective motion


Spatiotemporal brain hierarchies of auditory memory recognition and predictive coding






A unifying framework for functional organization in early and higher ventral visual cortex



Global and subtype-specific modulation of cortical inhibitory neurons regulated by acetylcholine during motor learning



Distinct feedforward and feedback pathways for cell-type specific attention effects



The behavioral relevance of a modular organization in the lateral habenula



Long-wavelength traveling waves of vasomotion modulate the perfusion of cortex





[Current Biology]


Ultrastructural differences impact cilia shape and external exposure across cell classes in the visual cortex



Binocular receptive-field construction in the primary visual cortex



Coincident development and synchronization of sleep-dependent delta in the cortex and medulla





[Journal of Neuroscience]


Intrinsic Neural Excitability Biases Allocation and Overlap of Memory Engrams

Visual Recognition Memory of Scenes Is Driven by Categorical, Not Sensory, Visual Representations






Neural dynamics of visual working memory representation during sensory distraction

Classification and analysis of retinal interneurons by computational structure under natural scenes


Neuron-level prediction and noise can implement flexible reward-seeking behavior



제목 날짜
[Awards] Youngjin Park (M.S. Candidate) got the best poster presentation award in KPS 2017   2019.06.28
[Awards] Youngjin Park (M.S.) got the best poster presentation award in KSBNS 2018   2019.06.28
[Awards] Youngjin Park (Ph.D Candidate) got the travel award in Cosyne 2020   2020.01.29
[News] Dr. Choi received Sejong Science Fellowship   2021.03.16
[News] Dr. Kim has been selected as Simons Postdoctoral Fellow   2024.12.16
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Prof. Se-Bum Paik   2021.09.01
[News] KAIST BBE Interviews with Youngjin Park (Ph.D candidate)   2021.09.01
[News] KAIST Breakthroughs 50 : Emergence of number sense in untrained neural networks   2021.09.02
[News] Prof. Se-Bum Paik selected as KAIST Singularity Professor   2021.03.16
[News] Suhee Cho has received the Talent Medal of Korea (대한민국인재상)   2024.12.24
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (23.07.18~23.08.02)   2023.07.17
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.06.07~24.06.21)   2024.06.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.08.05~24.08.19)   2024.08.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.29
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and full-time researcher from VSNN lab in KAIST (23.01.12~23.01.25)   2023.01.11
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2021.04.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST (21.05.11~21.05.26)   2021.05.10
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.07.06
[Positions] Vacancy announcement for post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.09
[Publication] Choi WC (Post doc) published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.08.27

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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