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Song JH & Choi W (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports.


Title: "Precise mapping of single neurons by calibrated 3-D reconstruction of brain slices reveals topographic projection in mouse visual cortex"


Graphical Abstract_Paik_200426-01.png



뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 (Korean)

Unravelling Complex Brain Networks with Automated 3-D Neural Mapping (English)


-English media report

Automated 3D brain imaging data analysis enables precise mapping of complex neural circuits - News medical life sciences

Unravelling complex brain networks with automated 3-D neural mapping - MedicalXpress

Unravelling complex brain networks with automated 3D neural mapping - EurekaAlert

Novel software boosts brain imaging data analysis - SmartBrief

Automated 3D brain imaging data analysis enables precise mapping of complex neural circuits - News Break


-Korean media report

잘라낸 단면으로 뇌의 3차원 구조 자동 분석 기술 개발 - 연합뉴스

KAIST, 3차원으로 뇌 구조 볼 수 있는 분석기술 개발 - 뉴시스

KAIST, 뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발  - e-대학저널

2차원 뇌 단면을 3차원으로…뇌 구조 자동 분석 기술 - YTN사이언스

KAIST, 뇌 구조 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 전자신문

KAIST, 뇌 구조 볼 수 있는 분석기술 내놨다 - 매일경제

KAIST, 뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 디지털데일리

KAIST, 실험쥐 뇌 3차원 지도 만드는 기술 개발 - 조선비즈

뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 뉴스웍스

KAIST, 뇌 신경세포 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 헤럴드경제

KAIST 백세범 교수 연구팀 "뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발" - 메트로신문

"인간 뇌 지도 완성되나"...뇌 구조 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 뉴스워치

KAIST, 뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 뉴스핌

KAIST, 뇌 구조 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - 뉴스1

KAIST, 뇌 구조 정확히 보는 '3차원 분석기술' 개발 - 이투데이

KAIST, 뇌 구조 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발 - ZDNet Korea

3차원 영상으로 뇌신경세포 연결 구조 관측 기술 개발… 카이스트 연구팀 - 세계일보

뇌 속 신경세포 분포 정확히 보는 3D기술 나왔다 - 동아사이언스

뇌 구조를 정확히 볼 수 있는 3차원 분석기술 개발​ - BRIC

하버드도 활용하는 KAIST 기술···3차원으로 '뇌 분석' - 헬로디디

잘라낸 단면으로 뇌의 3차원 구조 자동 분석 기술 개발 - 사이언스타임즈

KAIST, 뇌 구조 3차원 분석기술 개발 - AI타임스

KAIST, 포유류 종마다 시각 뇌신경망 구조 다른 원인 규명 - 대학지성

잘라낸 단면으로 뇌의 3차원 구조 자동 분석 기술 개발 - 한국경제

제목 날짜
19.01.11 Journal alert   2019.06.29
21.06.04 Journal alert   2021.06.04
21.03.27 Journal alert   2021.03.27
20.07.31 Journal alert   2020.07.31
19.02.01 Journal alert   2019.06.29
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST (21.05.11~21.05.26)   2021.05.10
19.02.08 Journal alert   2019.06.29
21.02.26 Journal alert   2021.03.02
[Awards] Changju Lee (M.S. Candidate) got the best poster presentation award in KPS 2016   2019.06.28
19.07.28 Journal alert   2019.07.28
[Awards] Wooyeon Shin (Ph.D. Candidate) received a Poster Award from Miami Winter Symposium 2023   2023.02.16
[Awards] Hyeonsu Lee (M.S. Candidate) got the best poster presentation award in KSBNS 2017   2019.06.28
[Publication] Hyeonsu Lee, Woochul Choi & Dongil Lee published a paper in Cell Reports   2023.08.08
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and full-time researcher from VSNN lab in KAIST (23.01.12~23.01.25)   2023.01.11
[Awards] Gwangsu Kim (Ph.D.) received the Best Presentation Award in KSBNS 2023   2023.12.14
19.01.25 Journal alert   2019.06.29
server is undergoing maintenance   2019.06.20
[Publication] Choi WC (Post doc) published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.08.27
23.03.24 Journal alert   2023.03.24
[Awards] Jeonghwan Cheon (Undergraduate) received a CoE Leadership Award from KAIST   2023.04.07

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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