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Suhee Cho, a former member of our lab, has received the Talent Medal of Korea (대한민국인재상). 




Suhee Cho has been honored with the Talent Award of Korea, which recognizes individuals likely to become future leaders of Korea for their exemplary talents and outstanding contributions to society.
She received this recognition for her academic achievements, particularly her research on "Neuromimetic Metaplasticity for Adaptive Continual Learning."

제목 날짜
[Publication] Jeonghwan Cheon (M.S. Candidate) published a paper in NeurIPS   2024.10.23
[News] Dr. Kim has been selected as Simons Postdoctoral Fellow   2024.12.16
[News] Suhee Cho has received the Talent Medal of Korea (대한민국인재상)   2024.12.24
[Pulblication] Min Song (Ph.D.) published a paper in PNAS   2024.12.26

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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