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  • Journal Club
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  • Dec 17, 2021
  • 409

Adaptive stimulus selection for consolidation in the hippocampus




Science advances
Sleep onset is a creative sweet spot





Nature communications
Proactive and reactive accumulation-to-bound processes compete during perceptual decisions



Individual differences in information-seeking


Theta rhythmicity governs human behavior and hippocampal signals during memory-dependent tasks


Journal of neuroscience
Balanced Enhancements of Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition Underlie Developmental Maturation of Receptive Fields in the Mouse Visual Cortex




Cell reports
Stimulus-specific plasticity of macaque V1 spike rates and gamma





Compensatory variability in network parameters enhances memory performance in the Drosophila mushroom body



Free recall scaling laws and short-term memory effects in a latching attractor network


Local dendritic balance enables learning of efficient representations in networks of spiking neurons


The hippocampus as the switchboard between perception and memory




Scientific report
Alpha-to-beta- and gamma-band activity reflect predictive coding in affective visual processing



Effect of reward on electrophysiological signatures of grid cell population activity in human spatial navigation




PLOS biology
Noise-trained deep neural networks effectively predict human vision and its neural responses to challenging images





PLOS computational biology
Tinnitus-like “hallucinations” elicited by sensory deprivation in an entropy maximization recurrent neural network



Hebbian plasticity in parallel synaptic pathways: A circuit mechanism for systems memory consolidation


Emergence and fragmentation of the alpha-band driven by neuronal network dynamics



Does the brain care about averages? A simple test



Face-Selective Responses Present in Multiple Regions of the Human Infant Brain


Selective representations of texture and motion in mouse higher visual areas


The Effect of Spatial Frequency on the Visual Category Representation in the Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex


Prior expectations in visual speed perception predict encoding characteristics of neurons in area MT


Informative neural representations of unseen contents during higher-order processing in human brains and deep artificial networks


Rac1 signaling in microglia is essential for synaptic proteome plasticity and experience-dependent cognitive performance


Early neural activity changes associated with visual conscious perception


Neuron-specific coding sequences are the most highly conserved in the mammalian brain


Latent functional connectivity underlying multiple brain states

제목 날짜
[Pulblication] Min Song (Ph.D.) published a paper in PNAS   2024.12.26
[Publication] Song JH & Choi W (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.06.08
[Publication] Seungdae Baek, Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.12.22
[Publication] Min Song, Jaeson Jang & Gwangsu Kim published a paper in Cell Reports   2021.01.19
[Publication] Jinwoo Kim & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Journal of Neuroscience   2020.08.20
[Publication] Jeonghwan Cheon (M.S. Candidate) published a paper in NeurIPS   2024.10.23
[Publication] Jang JS (Ph.D) published a paper in Annals of Neurology   2021.08.26
[Publication] Jaeson Jang & Min Song (Ph.D Candidate) published a paper in Cell Reports   2020.03.11
[Publication] Hyeonsu Lee, Woochul Choi & Dongil Lee published a paper in Cell Reports   2023.08.08
[Publication] Gwangsu Kim, Jaeson Jang, Seungdae Baek & Min Song published a paper in Science Advances   2021.01.05
[Publication] Choi WC (Post doc) published a paper in Nature Communications   2021.08.27
[Positions] Vacancy announcement for post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.09
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.07.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST (21.05.11~21.05.26)   2021.05.10
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2021.04.06
[Positions] Recruitment of post-doctoral position and full-time researcher from VSNN lab in KAIST (23.01.12~23.01.25)   2023.01.11
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from VSNN lab in KAIST   2020.04.29
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.08.05~24.08.19)   2024.08.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (24.06.07~24.06.21)   2024.06.05
[Positions] Recruitment of part-time workers from COGI lab in KAIST (23.07.18~23.08.02)   2023.07.17

Institute for Basic Science KAIST Campus (E22) A202-1,
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-42-350-6513,6573, Fax: +82-42-350-6510

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